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Not a people story, but this happened to me tonight. I about shit my pants.
>Be me
>Go on walks at night before bed inna woods behind my house
>Tonight, decide to get back home by walking on ditch bank behind house
>Walking along, hear noise
>Not more than 4'-5' in front of me, out of the weeds comes what looks like a floating white stripe waddling at me
>Yell, and jump back real quick
>Skunk points its ass towards me
>Back up even more
>Have neighbor's fence on one side and ditch on the other side of me
>Skunk starts waddling down the ditch bank the same direction I'm going
>Can't have that, so from safe distance, clock it with big-ass dirt clod
>Still won't get off ditchbank, they're tough little shits
>Clock it with another
>Skunk finally leaves
>Check undies for brown streaks. All clear. Phew!