>>1877494 Let me be clear--while many pagan traditions, such as hero worship (now European warrior-saints), ancestor worship (now, in my region, All Souls' Day), tree worship (now Yule/Christmas), youth & fertility Spring festival (now Easter) and so on have been absorbed into Christianity, they are still fundamentally pagan. When you trim the fat of Europe, you see that meat is, has always been, and will always be pagan... and there's no point trying to deny this.
So, what I take issue with is this guy trying to tell me and others that identifying yourself as a pagan makes you some kind of LARPing hippie or "genuinely believes that Thor is in the sky sending thunderbolts" by default. No, it just means to identify as YOURSELF, and to willfully understand the fundamentals of your traditions.
I'm baffled by his insistence that I'm some kind of anachronistic reconstructionist, when everything I've been saying is actually the opposite.