Right, this is the mock up I was sent. Just seeing if you guys are ok with the quality and would be willing to pay for one before I pull the trigger. That connecting strand in top left won't be there on the actual patch. Dunno what to make of it myself, I knew some detail would be lost with embroidery vs. vector but something seems a little "off" and I can't put my finger on it. Face looks a bit fucked up for a start. Dunno if it's just a shitty photo or what. Shall I just order them and see if they look better irl?
>>467222Gonna look into creating a new account if possible, don't want to post my current PP account because it's
[email protected] and fuck that.
>>467522You could look into getting a one off patch made for yourself. There's tons of websites out there. It'll cost more since it's not a bulk order so I guess it depends how much you want one. I'll even add the text to the design and post it for you if you want.