>>106160And yeah, CO2 was never the reason for global warming, simply an artifact of it.
CO2 is also a minor factor in their much ballyhooed greenhouse gas scare tactic, water vapor being by far the largest.
A steady barrage of propaganda can make people believe anything which is why global mainstream news was owned by the few no later than 1900, with this control they successfully launched 2 world wars.
It's interesting to note that the 'ozone hole' meme was created by the same 'scientist' who popularized 'global warming'.
In fact, the patent on CFC's was expiring, the 'scientist' worked for DuPont and instead of allowing a cheap harmless refrigerant fall into the hands of the poor third world countries, the meme was created and it was banned forever.
Pic related, 1977! The year the US peaked in conventional oil production.
It was a crap shoot which way to launch the propaganda machine, looking at the data, they probably should have stuck with that. The earth is certainly cooling over the geological timescale, the sun and its solar cycles may effect climate to a certain degree over the short term but the original molten core of earth will always be cooling , ice ages will become more frequent.