>>1964650>What’s the worst run in you had if you did get caught?I was exploring around this abandoned primary school which was plastered with signs saying 'beware of dogs' and 'dogs off lead'.
I just assumed it was some kind of mindfuck type thing to try scare people off so it didn't phase me much.
As i'm leaving the place, I walked across some open grass football pitch area infront of the school.
I got about halfway across it before I heard some barking behind me, my heart dropped as soon as I heard it.
I turned around ready to shit myself and there's this tiny little rat of a dog yelping at me from across the field, I smiled in relief that it was just some tiny harmless dog like that.
Then out of nowhere these two huge slobbering rotweilers come round the corner and slowly b line towards me, I instantly went back to being scared shitless
All that was going through my head was, do I run or do I stay still?
I decided running would be silly as those things could easily outpace me and tear me to bits.
As they got closer to me, the owner who was some old, round, farmer came round the corner after the dogs.
At this point the dogs were circling around me and sniffing at my feet and drooling all over my legs while having a deep growling noise they made if I moved.
I was shit scared they were gonna make a chomp for one of my fingers so I kept my hands clenched in a fist and kept them close to my body.
The farmer came over to me and gave it the whole "dont worry they wont touch you as long as you stay still" thing people with mental dogs do.
He seemed kind of angry at first, quizzing me about what I was doing, if I went inside the building or if there was anyone with me.
I just said I was taking pictures of the place alone and didn't go inside.
After that he chilled out, I think he's on edge about people going in, getting hurt and he the landowner ends up getting the blame for it
He wished me well and I walked back to my car with my hands shaking