>>1554376>>1554401>>1554402You’re arguments are a cheap attempt at a “gotcha,” and is nothing but attempt to terminate that line of discourse. By pointing out a seeming contradiction in my point that the rapidly industrializing global south should be prevented from doing so, teleologically and dialectically, you’re arguing in favor of increasing their consumption to the levels of the developed world when that would only serve to exacerbate the already appalling environmental degradation that’s already been wrought. Yes, go on, elucidate on how cultures and lands without the gradually increasing precedent of mass manufactured consumer goods and without the infrastructure to deal with the increased waste associated therewith shouldn’t be prevented from attaining the level of disposability culture that’s already befallen us. I’m listening. I argue not “high HDI for me, but not for thee” rather a global campaign of deceleration and archeofuturism as the most sustainable paths forward. There are, however, no natural incentives for the voluntary accomplishment of this task, and therefore it will require illiberal solutions lest they go Cahokia on a planetary scale