>>1212351They're private security in places like this and never call po-po. At worst you get a beating but I'm a fit strong guy and I come across well so things like this haven't been an issue for me.
In Scotland we have lots of laws in favour of being able to walk and travel anywhere you want- even private land sometimes favours right of passage in law. It goes back to the English being dicks and buying up land here IIRC
>>1212346The reason I mention thick leather is because the forked prongs are several inches long and sharp so a carpet would go straight through unless it's more than an inch thick I'd guesstimate
>>1212349>>1212356Like the other guys are saying, creating free access to a place like this isn't something I want to do if I can help it- I'd like to visit multiple times over as long as feasible
>>1212350Good idea. If I can rope a mate into coming along this might be an option, although if we're taking a car a ladder would be fine too
>>1212346>>1212355>>1212365All makes sense, cheers lads
>>1212381I can't pick welded steel
>>1212389I asked on /b/ and got this same response multiple times- if you could legitimately climb this thing then the company who sells these to music festivals to literally keep out hoards of hundreds of thousands of people would go out of business
>>1212490Digging initially seemed like the easiest option but I saw at least two spots where people had tried this already and gotten a few inches down at most before hitting concrete. There was one wet patch that looked like it might be rough dirt a few feet down but after thinking about it it'd still be difficult to dig and at best I'm going to have to get absolutely covered in mud squeezing through unless I spend several hours beforehand and hoping it's a good spot