>>2745768literally just had our first actual death today, the blue (grey) chicken used to have a friend. Had them die in the past to dogs but this one has me pissed and stumped. let them out at 9am, around 11 wife was feeding the baby and said there was a commotion and the dog bolted back to their fence. he can't get in anymore so it's not him but when I went back the other blue Wyandotte was nowhere to be seen.
There aren't any hawks out yet, or crows. It's a cold cloudy day and I'm fucking pissed. putting a camera out that actually records (fuck you ring) and I almost want to sit outside under the redwood canopy tomorrow with some bait on a table and wait for whatever it was with my machete and a pellet gun. I put work into these fuckers. I've been outside most of the day and I don't see any birds of prey or critters. no evidence of what happened, usually there's a feather pile. maybe a hawk swooped in and took em? Just a weird time of day for something like this to happen. They're contained in a 60x30' area with trees covering half of it.
Maybe it's rooster time. I hate their crows so we might get one of those chokers. Do roosters and ducks get along? I should be at work but now I have a vendetta.