>>905445>good with budgeting money and loves to fish>bikinisounds like good mom material but unfortunately you have set the bar far too high.. start with the basics..
1) a female
All that other stuff is trainable.
>>905456i know right, its weird? and in a way its all planned through some bitches biological clock. i'm still not sure i buy into it all, but its far too late for me to question.
I had dinner with a old friend in a similar situation he's late 30's and his fiance is mid 30's. (6/14) His fiance was talking to my wife about our house and our kids, our school choices for them.. blah blah drink more wine blah blah..all that married people crap that i dont really pay attention to.. it was like she was practicing for the day to be mom..like it was her calling..they werent even married yet but you could see it in her that she was aware that her clock is ticking. she needs to pop a couple out and it was a now or never deal and she latched onto my friend for her piece of the pie..which i think is a good thing truthfully because this is a guy that thought he was going to be foreveralone and it turns out he's happy now.
KeK'd hard at him talking about IRA's and health insurance plans in between taking shots of mescal and bong hits in the garage but change happens from within..