The purpose of this general is to encourage people to go /out/ and find cool fossils and artifacts. This thread is also a place to share our own collections and things we find when we are /out/ hunting.
Rules are as follows,
>To just post and discuss fossils and other related geological subjects.>When you post about a fossil in your collection, please label it with what formation it is from, what it is, and where in the world it is from.>If you don't know where it originated or the species that is ok, just label it as soHelpful Links maps of US states (
A Beginner's Guide To Fossil Hunting - Fossil Hunting Trips - The Fossil Forum
Been a hot few months this summer here in North Texas only been able to go out for a little at a time one a week or so, meaning I had nothing to keep the last thread form 404ing I did go /out/ last week and was able to find some nice ammonites in the Britton formation of the Eagle Ford shale, Denton Co. Texas, Pic related. I've also started up work on a paper on the zone of rock sometimes called "the Fish Bed Conglomerate" between the Eagle Ford and Austin Chalk but this is more geology related than paleontology. I'm also excited to see if anyone else has been able to find anything nice so far this summer. -Fossil Anon