>>856395I found an old orange crush bottle that i really like for some reason. Was noodling with friends. They making fu because im not fighting a 50lb. snapping turtle and yall can fuck off. Then i had to get balls deep in a beaver damn to get the bottle. Dad found a pretty legit arrowhead worth roughly 500-800 bucks if he sold. Meh. Not much. My wifes grandfather died recently though an was a historian and a "collector" of anything and everything. We may be able to purchase it once the family sells all of the machinery that has use or value. I'll post pics somewhere on the 4chins if interest and for q&a so we can find anything of value thats not sentemental to my wife. Not kidding here. There is like 8 houses and 3 barns on a s acre lot he moved in there and packed wall to wall with cool old shit. There is over 80 chainsaws hanging in one. One house is gutted and houses like 50 old push mowers. I counted maybe 20 or so mostly together forest gump style snapper mowers. 1200 hand saws. 1200. Legit he counted them. Pretty much my dream house. Im gonna have a lot of fun going through it all. And i think he'd appreciate us continuing his legacy. I'm not muchbof a historian and don't ecen talk to half of my family. But i will make copies of all his works and digitize it as well. Really wish i took some pics the other day when we went out. It's pretty much a pickers wet dream out there.