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Moving on, clothing.
I have already recommended limiting initial hikes to the good season, either day hikes or even sleeping in refuges or similar structures, however the basic concept remains the same regardless of weather that is to dress in layers.
The first layer, or base layer goes against the skin, it should be both able to absorb and lose moisture which will invariably come from sweat. Long sleeves can be used in all seasons saving money, they will also protect from sunburn.
Synthetics work in all weather but might feel uncomfortable and will smell due to poor affinity with water; cotton works in good weather but soaks and takes a long time to dry; wool, especially finer varieties like merino, is generally more expensive but is very comfortable and performs well even in summer, though it might be too hot above 25°C.
The second one is insulation, a fleece or a jumper, it can be removed during exercise to limit sweating. Same as before with the materials, though wool will be heavier and take more space.
The third is a shell, windproof and water repellent, which can be worn directly on the first layer as protection while willfully being of little insulation. Usually synthetic.
There are some "parachute" fabric jackets, they are fairly windproof while packing tight and light
A waterproof jacket is a must, wherever that's the same one and the third layer or additional depends on the weather and jacket type. Jacket constructed with a membrane such as goretex evacuate humidity, though less than counterparts, while remaining waterproof, they generally last about a decade of normal use before the membrane fails.
Shorts are acceptable especially on the trail but won't protect from ticks in the forest and tall grass. Trousers must be of such a cut that allows full freedom of movement, favour high waist.
A common mistake is to dress too warm, that will make one sweatier which will cause heat loss which might be problematic even in summer at times.