>>1289513Apparently pieces of garbage in the vegetable oil had also blocked much of the filter, and vegetable oil had settled into the injectors overnight, causing them to clog.
Unburnt vegetable oil was also seeping past the piston rings, completely gumming them up, and later mixing with the engine oil, and clogging oil passages and gumming valves which is why I noticed the oil level increasing.
With heat from the engine, the vegetable oil mixed with the engine oil and formed a gel like plastic which slowed down the turning speed of the crank and starter motor.
The banging I heard was caused by the engine belt snapping, because the thick oil was putting too much stress on the fuel pump which is powered by the belt.
The pistons crashed into the valves when the belt snapped and the engine was effectively toast.
A replacement engine was 300. 450 for fitting.
And another 200 for a second diesel tank, a fuel valve from an 80's Jaguar to switch between tanks, and plug in engine heater to warm up the engine on cold days, a pre filter, and a fuel line heater to make the vegetable oil more liqiuid.
Now I should be able to safely run vegetable oil providing it has been filtered to 5 microns or finer.
The engine should always be run on diesel until warmed up, and before shutting down it should also be purged of vegetable oil