>>1597635>>1597637They look like candies. lol
>>1597706Bokashi composting uses anarobic microbes instead of aerobic microbes. So, instead you could just make a small biomethane digester then harvest the methane gas from it so you have a fuel source and high-nitrogen fertilizer. Otherwise, I don't see the need for bokashi composting. I mean, if you have lots of kitchen-based animal waste and want to do more work composting you may as well get more out of it than just fertilizer.
Size is scalable, though larger digesters are more useful since you can get more fuel for cooking, heating water/home, or even electrical generation,
https://www.instructables.com/id/Biogas-Digester/I just use normal composting since it is less work and money.
>>1597727I eat the very young leaves of dandelions and sometimes use the flowers to make country wine. I don't think of them as a weed though. Then again I'm not brainwashed by commercials and lawn culture. Dandelion plants can get amazingly massive. I find that they do better in partial shade to full sun part of the day, but not strictly full sun or strictly full shade. There are many different cultivars too. Some have massive leaves 1.5 feet long and 4-6 inches wide. Others are lacier, sharper pointed, and dainty in comparison. If you try eating the leaves, the older darker colored ones are far more bitter than the younger light colored leaves. Cooking helps remove some of the bitterness, but not all of it. They are an acquired taste for most people. Flower heads are much better tasting I think when they are schnitzel'd. They normally bloom in cooler weather like spring and a bit fall here. While making a coffee substitute works using roasted roots, I personally don't like it. There's no caffeine in them after all so unless you like coffee flavor without the kick...