>>114258Thanks, but yeah I completely understand, if I'm on a really busy trail he is leashed. If I might see one person every 30 minutes hes off, and when I do see someone I call him over and hold his collar till they pass. Which usually they stop to pet him and my other dog.
I do believe that dogs do what they were bred to do though. Pitt's are naturally aggressive, same with Germans Shepard's, Rotti's etc.
My Grandpa and I were out mountain biking with his Red Bone Coon Hound when a Pitt, Rotti and Bull Mastiff came running at us from 200 yards away and attacked our dog. It took both us with sticks and rocks to beat the three dogs off of him and drag him away. Meanwhile the owner was some 40 year old soccer mom was screaming at US to stop hitting her dogs. My grandpas dog almost died, had to get 70 something stitches and had three broken bones. Her Pitt and Bull Mastiff had to be put down because that was the THIRD time they had attacked someone and their dogs. And the stupid bitch still took them out in public.
Thus I carry a handgun and a knife(s)