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Went down to the reservation at Tolani Lake to visit some relatives. Its in Arizona and the place is fucking desolate.
>Be me with about 10 other people. Relatives and such hanging out next to a fire at night
>Enjoying the heat from the huge ass fucking stump I spent 30 minutes trying to rip out of the fucking ground
>Night dies down and everyone is going to bed, but i decided to stay up because Im drunk and I want to look at the burning stump. Fuck it
>Turn in and head for my tent, just about to lay down when I hear my cousin whispering to me from another tent
>Asks if I could sleep in their tent, she had brought along a friend from West Virginia and they were spooked
>I didnt think much of it cause all I wanted to do was sleep, so I go in their tent and pass out.
>Turns out the next day they said something small and skinny which they described as gollum from LOTRs was creeping around and the silhouette of it was cast over their tent.
> My best friend was sleeping in another tent and saw the thing creep up to his tent as well.
>Instead of looking at it he bitches out and pulls blanket over face and goes to bed.
>Dog was also growling at something shuffling rocks from where we were sleeping
>mfw I was sitting next to the campfire alone at night and walking around outside with what was described as a "ghost" or "spirit"