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Anons, let's suppose that I was going to hide out innawoods during the happening.
Which of the following is the best?
>van powered by a wood gassifier
>canoe with a small battery-powered trolling motor, recharged with solar panels, camping on the water/living riverside in a tent
It would need to be COMPLETELY self-sufficient, MECHANICAL BREAKDOWNS ASIDE.
>shelter (tent vs metal vehicle)
>food (hunting/fishing/trapping)
>self-defense/protection (would it be easier to escape from pursuers by car or by boat?)
Assuming that NO mechanical components break during the trip (engine breaking, motor burning out, etc.), how possible would it be? Which is superior?
>inb4 "nothing ever happens"
May be so, 'till it does. But I'm only talking about the /out/doors aspect of it, not the /pol/itics.