>>118168Most people asking advice about mints are having problems containing them. If I wouldn't keep mine in check, the surface they cover would more than quadruple in size each growing season. I mostly grow lemon mint, with some pepermint and morrocan mint on the side. The bottomless container I keep them in burst due to freezing, so it 'escaped' and it doubled in size despite being cut back and harvested a lot throughout last season.
Mints put out runners towards the end of the season. These easily take root and form a new plant at every node. One could easily get more than 20 plantlets from a single motherplant this way every season.
I myself never had any problems getting mint cuttings to root. Something else you might try is tying a stem to the ground after stripping the tied down nodes their leafs. I don't know the proper English term for this technique.