>>1570483>no reason to use UL baitcasters>memes and peer pressure I own the best of both. Baitcasters are more accurate, and much easier to control compared to spinning setups and it has entirely to do with how the line leaves the reel.
When you cast a Baitcaster, you can stop the spool. When you cast a spinning reel and have to stop your cast abruptly, you either have to grab the line with your hand or close the bail quickly.
Now if you are search casting with spinning gear, then by far it’s superior for distance. But not all casts are long, sometimes you want a quick pitch which requires more control, hence the BFS style.
https://youtu.be/UFLL9HFAw7cThe Japanese really take it to the next level, this guys videos inspired me to get into what was already an inborn talent.