Quoted By:
> Be in 6th grade (12 years old)
> Class goes on a week-long camping trip
> Our instructors set up a game in which someone is "It", meaning they cannot leave a circle
> Everyone else has to surround the circle. If the "It" person sees them, the person has to join them in the circle.
> Here's the catch: if you're not in the circle you have to be able to see the "It" person.
> Basically last man who is not found wins.
> Often go hunting with my dad in the mountains so have a vague understanding of how to hide from a deer.
> I find a position where I can be staring at the "It" person in the circle but still prone.
> Position is made up of tree roots that allow me to look through but cover most of my face.
> Place dead leaves on top of my head to hide my hair.
> Literally no one can find me.
> Instructors have to call my name out and I reveal my hiding spot.
> "Anon, we have literally never had anyone hide that well. We thought you were gone."
My most proudest /out/ moment was when I was fucking 12.