>>1942650Seeing as 90% of the skiing I do is human powered in national forest or wilderness areas that are completely unmanaged wrt skiing, I don’t think I’m exactly who you’re talking about but I’ll take your bait anyway. For one thing new resorts aren’t exactly common and they also aren’t exactly in areas that require large-scale logging to develop. The bigger issue is that in the past decade or so big city faggots have been buying up the land around ski areas and developing it and bringing their toxic lefty bullshit with them. I 100% agree that these people should be put up against the wall but to demonize all skiers because of them is absurd. Place like Eagle County, CO are insanely desirable place to live for richfags even if there were no resorts there in the first place. Here in UT we don’t even have that problem because the forest service owns the land and won’t allow more development in most places (except Park City which should be razed.) The skiers I know are all keen on conservation and against new resorts or expansion of extant ones. The deforestation occurring because of skiers is basically zero compared to the clear cutting done by timber companies (and encouraged by the federal and state governments for “forest management” reasons but really for the huge fees they receive from the companies for land use) which you haven’t mentioned so I can only assume that you’re a thin-skinned faggot who inexplicably gives a shit what other people do for fun even though it doesn’t affect you at all if you’re actually living the minimalist life you claim, which I doubt based on your general faggotry. Stop larping as big wilderness man on the internet and go chain yourself to some logging equipment if you really want to make a difference kid.