>2 girls>never done this beforeEhhhhhhhhh. You really should go out for a weekend first. It may seem like a neat idea but not work out. You don't want to be stuck somewhere 4 days in and 1 person loses motivation.
You're overcomplicating things. Just dilute it down to:
>Sleeping(pad and bag)>Shelter(tent tarps)>Sustenance(food cooking water)This takes up most of your space and is what you'll be using/needing most.
I'd say a 5 person tent. Or a 3 man and a 2 man.
If shit happens and people get upset at each other, someone snores, etc at least you can split up sleeping. Or if one tent leaks/fails etc you can least keep shit dry.
A 60L Blue Barrel bag should be able to contain enough food for 4 people for 1.5 weeks.
Unless you're setting time aside for fishing, it's just a pain in the ass. Especially when you have a schedule and need to be at certain sites at certain times. Especially if you're unfamiliar with the Route and aren't sure of your progress.
You'll have to stop and reel the fish in. Or need to reel in when you hit shallows, get snagged, etc. Even with rod holders they're a pain.
>>534363>2 tents>2x the poles>2x the stakes >lighter>cramming 4 people and gear for 4 into a 4-person tent or 2x2-person tents