>>2545220If this shit is not LARPing then you are a good, although severly sheltered and misguided man. The reason evolutionarily you like being in the city is because there you feel like you are part of the herd, and therefor you are harder single out by predators. If you spend more time in nature/away from densely populated areas you will find that most if not all of your stress will dissolve, but to bridge you over the transition, here's a few things you could do:
Read shit that makes you want to be close to nature. Start with LotR, and work your way towards more niche titles. This is kinda LARPing, but feeling even a small sense of adventure helped me get my little brother off his lardy ass and into nature.
Get /out/ hobbies. Carving, archery, staff-fighting or even fucking yoga, anything that you can do to distract yourself from the "horrible wilderness" while spending time there.
Homesteading. If you HAVE to take care of the stinky, loud and often annoying animals that provide you with food, you will learn to appreciate nature for what it is.
Good on you to try and change though, it will not be easy, but if you really love that girl you can do it.