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Currently living in a cabin I'm part-owner in. It has electricity, water and plumming, insulation and all that fancy stuff. Too close to neighbours and not enough land. Also, I only own one third so not ideal for making big changes to the property (one co-owner is a total bitch). No hunting rights either but it does have a beach so I can do my fishing two meters from the house. Also an epic view, pic related.
My plan is to invest in my own land and build from scratch, combination of rock foundation and logs and living roof. Make a well, compost toilet, put down fruit trees on day one so they can grow strong. Upgrade to solar panels and wind mill in step two after the main basics are complete. I want to invest in low maintenance crops and the land needs to be big enough to support me, theoretically, so when I expand my operation long term it can cover my needs.
My main problem is that construction and building laws are a nightmare here and it can take decades to get building permits in 'wild' areas. Most people who build cabins build in designated 'cabin' fields where a company get's building permits for an area, then sells it to private individuals or build cabins and sell them as finished products. The cabins often have to be connected to the grid by law and the houses themselves have to be built by code.
I'm young and stupid enough to want to build it guerrilla style instead and just avoid all the legal mess. Since it will be in the middle of nowhere I could get away with it. Problem is that I can't use my work as a way to increase land value as it will be an illegal building (meaning I can't liquidize it as an asset if needed), and also if I get caught building without permits I can receive heavy fines and have to tear it down. I don't have the money to get smacked by something like that. What are my best options here?