>>1378602>be in city>must live somewhere>either own something or rent something>if you own something you must pay property taxes and a host of other things.>you even have to pay for water because everything is polluted and you can't dig your own well>if you decide to be homeless well sucks to be you huh>no matter what you have to pay a shitload of money to someone else, way more than living somewhere flyover and ruralIf you want to live in a city, you have to pay for it. That means a good paying job or several shitty paying jobs. That means being wore the fuck out mentally and physically. That means you have no energy for anything more complicated than a sitcom, a beer, and bed. Oh it is 21st century. Its all smartphones and sugar products now which is all in bed.
Meanwhile, I'm on the farm shitposting, hiking, camping, feeding chickens, photoing chickens, making a little money for the little expenses, DIYing as a passtime, and hanging out with friends. Half the time we are trying to think of things to do.