>ZipposYeah, they're pretty /fa/.
And on top of that, they're sturdy and well made.
And they even light!
When freshly refueld…
I guess back when they were a new invention, they were a pretty cool engineering feat. But nowadays, there's just better options. Either the classic bic, or some advanced storm lighter.
And if you wanna light a cigarette for m'lady, you can probably do better with something more exotic (pic related)
Speaking of
>>1311849Why are they so fucking expensive (if you buy a "name brand", but even if you don't; Unless you get chinkshit directly from AliExpress)? Sure, they wanna earn some money off that stuff, so it's gotta be more than $2, but around $10 for a Primus one or even $30+ for tacticool crap? Am I missing something, or is that just branding?
Is there any reason to get some like those, over say, a $7 coghlans one (with magnesium), if I don't wanna bother with waiting months for my chinkshit to arrive?