>>2551754I use 2 of these on top of my other hungry bin worm farms. They're called worm cafes and they seem to be expensive over there. Here you get heavy discounts on them per household.
Maybe construct something similar? The trays are just plastic tubs with holes on the bottom for worms/liquid to pass through. So maybe just use 3 buckets or tubs. drill a hole on the side of the lower portion of the liquid catch bucket (for a tap). Then for the feeding buckets/tubs drill holes on the bottoms for worms/liquid to pass through. Just use one for the meantime and just put food and bedding as required.. Then once you feel it's full or you want the worms to fully turn it or castings then stop feeding that tray and add the remaining bucket underneath as the new feeding tray and stop putting food in the original one. That way worms will finish feeding on it they move their way down to the new feeding trya as reuqired
I only use two layers though and I kind of do it in reverse where I make the bottom tray the "feeding one" then the top on as the "finished" tray. That way I feed the bottom and the left over worms in the top finish tray will filter themselves back down to the bottom feed tray. Which then leaves the finished tray with less worms and ready to scoop and use