>>1086195Illinois bowhunter here
I am Left handed and right eye dominant, i shoot a left handed bow, i also use a silicone eye patch every other night before bed for about 30 min -1 hr to strengthen my left eye. I do close my right eye before i shoot but open both eye immediately upon release for 3d depth perception. So do what you find most comfortable to you in that regard.
You gotta be very careful to watch out for ticks in your area (lyme is no joke)
you need everything you would need for camping (if you spot and stalk) plus a back frame capable of hauling meat (idk maybe you have an atv, also depends on how far into the wild you are going) + you need a field dressing kit, gotta remove them organs quick.
If you join a local archery club, you'll meet fellow hunters and that will be 75% of the hunting education right there.