Why does everything always have to be so difficult?
>big lake (pic related) right near two other lakes that I fish often>never tried it because I can't park anywhere without having to walk across basically a highway>try it today because strong wind from the east and I can fish from east shore>get to lake, storm clouds start brewing and wind shifts 180deg right into my face>also really difficult to fish from shore because trees and bushes along most of that shorelineI need to try that one moar though. Had a little ~8" snek go after a crawdad and take a nip at it and there were definitely some bigger ones where all the bushes and trees hang over the water. That could be a good lake if I can find some spots to fish from the shore. For now I'n just gonna try and wait out these storms and hopefully get a few casts in before it is totally dark.
>>831128Heavy braid...
Idk because I try and avoid thick lillies anyway since it gets really tough when a bass wraps you around with those thick stems.