>>1329217>The main problem are freezers that have a defrost cycle which can ruin pretty much everything in a freezer that isn't well insulated after 1st being frozen. That is for long term storage though. Short term stuff that is only in there a month or so will be fine.Dude, you operate on a whole different level. I have a big freezer available, but other than it being big and keeping things frozen, I don't know too much about it. All I ever did was put stuff in there so it lasts. Meat, veggies, frozen goods I bought. So I can't just dump the stuff into some containers and keep it frozen for half a year?
I guess I'll have to look up the model number and search the Internet for instruction manuals?
Man, I guess I'll just ditch the whole growing food idea and stick to highly processed foods from the super market. I'll just grow flowers from now on. Pretty flowers that don't produce any stress or worries.
Anyway, thanks for your detailed reply, as always!