>>1221950>>1221950>>1221876>>1221876 if you dont naturally suprapronate you are going to have an increased likely hood of developing Tendinosis or bursitis of the achilles.
as long as you dont run while wearing them much at all. like more than a few hundred steps at a time, and if you avoid hard surfaces like the plague... you should probably be fine on dirt and clay and sand and gravel for a few miles a day. thing to remember is that these will force your under developed foot muscles to work. a muscle group that you've been ignoring your entire life. unless you've been a barefoot hippie for years and years, you should not walk more than a mile barefoot in a day and take a few rest days for about a year. sorry dude thats just it. we treat our feet like hoofs nowadays, they are just not up to it without training.
long story short. train in them by walking a mile or so ever 2 days on dirt and clay. do this for a year. then you are good to hike 3-4 for per day, unless you naturally suprapronate. in that case, after a year of training you can walk unlimited.
Army medic here from 2006-2010. so many recurring foot injuries in my time holy shit.
ps. fuck vibram 5 fingers shoes. might as well call them vibram 5 foot injury shoes.