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Autumn 2018, Tatry
It was such a warm autumn, normaly, there would be much snow at the higher parts, but luckily there wasn't any.
I decided to hike at Zawrat, very popular trail at the season, but at the time, it weren't many people, almost none.
I went from mountain safehouse, and i haven't met any people for like 5 hours, and suddenly pic related.
A crow eating a sandwich, a backpack which it opened, left by someone at the middle of a narrow trail.
When i got closer, bird fly away with a chocolate candybar, up to the peaks.
I came closer and i saw that next to that opened backpack is a graveyard candle.
Crow took out some things from that backpack, like a wallet, which he opened too some medical bills.
I checked it, and through he may want to commit suicide, because i heard about very simmiliar things about that place.
I was looking for the body, but i didn't find anything.
I through he may go at the Orla Perć, and do something from there, but decided to just wait.
Half hour later, i saw someone coming down.
It was some 16 year old student, who ran from the school, and he was suprised, that something ate his sandwiches.