>>893788Got stopped once in town shortly after I got the bike plated... rookie cop stopped me because I was "riding a dirt bike on the street". Here's my license w/ endorsement, insurance, registration, carry permits, and a copy of the equipment compliance form signed by state patrol... Am I free to go? "Sorry sir have a nice day." Haven't been hassled about it since.
Took the moto for a quick run to the auto parts store last summer. On my way out of the neighborhood there was a guy pulled over by LE on an obviously-not-legal (no headlight, mirrors, or plate) Kawi. Rider and both cops looked right at me as I passed them... difference is I'm legal. Got the parts I needed, and in the neighborhood again I saw him pushing his bike home. Willing to bet he got a ticket out of that one.
I get more grief from old fucks. Stopped at BK for a quick lunch years ago, and some old guy was getting all worked up about how unsafe it was for me to ride a dirt bike on the highway, it's illegal, dangerous, blah blah blah. Like waving his cane, veins popping out of his forehead angry. All I wanted to do was eat my fucking lunch and go.
Interstate highway to dirt singletrack, yeah... bike goes everywhere. Pulled over another time doing 79 in a 65, right before the speed limit drops to 55 and again to 45 as you roll into town. Same deal, license, registration, weapons permits, compliance form... Let go with a warning, cop said "I didn't think a dirt bike could go that fast".
Bought the bike as an offroad-use-only vehicle, then did the equipment install, inspections, and title process to get it plated. Wasn't too hard, but that's easy to do in this state. Headlight, taillight, brake light, mirrors, DOT-rated tires are the big ones. Technically don't need turn signals to be legal here, but some states do require those.