>>270809This. You PETAfags have no idea the kind of ecological terrorism that these species have carried out on Earth over the past 500 million years on their own. An example: if you walk around many parts of the Southwest USA, you'll see this nasty little bush called creosote fucking everywhere. In many stretches of desert, it's pretty much ALL you see. Guess fucking what. If you look at the fossil record, you'll find that creosote was originally a South American plant up until about 10,000 years ago, when a migratory bird dropped a seed in North America. The plant proceeeded to FUCK OVER all of the native North American plants in its habitable range in the same way that any other virulent invasive species will do. But guess what. Here's the kicker: creosote is now considered a (stable) native species in North America.
Bottom line is that it doesn't fucking matter what humans do because nature will work itself out eventually. Remember there have been five major extinction events in the history of Earth when something like 98% of species were sterilized off the surface of the planet, yet somehow in the year of 2014, we can observe such unprecedented biological diversity that some granola-munchers will get their panties in a bunch of a couple rabbits fuck too much, or a couple emus lay an egg too many.