>>6465384 chan has the most pathetic "hunting" and archery related threads on the entire internet. Its hilarious to watch highschool aged video game kids describe hunting weapons and practice.
Hearing you all discuss is what it would be like to hear your grandmother bicker about framerate and dlc ruining your JRPG experience.
anyway, literally NONE of you should even consider this as a hobby or a viable form of "hunting". you wont have the strength, knowledge or innate manhood to do it. literally ever.
FUCKING Hilarious watching people talk about "long bows" which is a niche-within-a-niche in archery hunting. Literally no one hunts longbow. a fraction of %1.
White-tail deer are some of the 'hardest' game hunts there are. They are extremely skittish, fickle and fleet footed animals. Browse hunting videos and blogs.
Further everyone one of you talking about "rifles" or "building AR-15's" to hunt sound like ever living dipshits. There are few (like count on one hand) that would allow that, and "Rifle season" could be only 1-2 weeks long, a single weekend, or less. cant belive some of you actually think you can just walk off into someones plot of land and shoot an animal. Forrestry police and game wardens will give you a $10k fine and take your fucking guns from you.
also, YOU MUST HAVE PERMITS and tags for the animals you kill. you will be limited to these based on the breed of animal. Some tags take literally 10 years to draw, you get one 2 week window to hunt and thats it forever.
I could go on and on, but i wont. 4chan is literally a hopeless terrible place to learn about "hunting" . This is a board for video game kids and pornography.