>>2080960>>2080960I just realized I didn't address any of your actual questions.
Kratky probably requires the least to get started. Other than seed starting supplies. All you really need is a bucket made of safe plastic, a lid, and nutrient solution.
If you are using netcups with rockwool, you want the water level just touching the rockwool so it wicks moisture. Once the plant grows, it will extend roots down as the water level drops. If you start with a bigger seedling, you just need some of the roots to be touching the water.
I have not done DWC, but can tell you it takes away some of the problems of Kratky, while adding complexity. Kratky needs an airgap between the water and roots for the plant to get oxygen. If the water level is too high, the plant might drown. If the water level is too low, the plant may dry out on a hot day. I have some solutions for this in my other posts, but DWC should always be full(as far as I understand). I imagine DWC keeps the roots healthier, too. My cucumber roots look very healthy, but some of my tomato plant's roots are darker and look dried up.
Kratky works fine on a small scale, too. Pic related is an eggplant on the left growing out of a small chia seeds container. I'll move it to a bucket soon, but herbs would probably grow well for a while in something small. I had nasturtium in salsa jars until I had to refill them once a day. The main issue you will have on a countertop is appropriate light.
Right of pic is strawberries that need to be spaced out more. If you do grow strawberries, you may want to pick a day-neutral everbearing variety. They will be small, but will produce year-round.