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Well I have a stupid story of one of the first times camping with my friend.
There was still snow on the ground and we went up to the mountains to do overnight camping. There was this spot that we happened to go through previously with another friend that we stayed at till dark. We figured it would be a nice place to camp at later. So me and my friend went back.
>Planned on building a lean-to
>build the shittiest lean-to the gods have ever seen
>Try to gather wood with my cold steel norse axe
>not too much dead limbs around and the rest is live pine Id rather not hack at
>dark comes and its getting cold, I have layers on but Its still cold
>my inexperience thus far as a camper has lead to be believe a wool blanket would have sufficed
>Im cold and my friend is cold
>its dark and the fire is dim, and he opts to leave for the night
>Me determined to stay throughout the night opt not to
>hike him out and I walk back
>as I am walking back to the campsite I know my fire is dead
>Flashlight dies
>Fucking only the moonlight to guide my way and a fucking light stick.
>see camp and smoldering fire.
>fuck it, Figured it was time to go to sleep.
>take one last swig of sake and turn in with double the blankets
>have survival blankets I ripped open and get that in there with the blankets.
>settled in and hear footsteps outside
>heres a lot of footsteps outside now and they are close as fuck
>Grab my hawk and grab like 3 Mylar survival blankets
>throw the mylar bags on the fire and summon a fireball that destroys my night vision
>flashlight with batteries in it flash at the direction of the noise
>10 white eyes stare at me in the dark and they are walking closer
>I unleash a fearsome howl to intimidate the beasts
>turns out to just be deer
>mfw when I lose my shit over deer
>the head alpha deers seems pissed and probably wants to kill me for my insolence
ill continue on to part 2. part 2 is when I actually felt like I was going to die.