>>1486716>[adjusts his pelagic flatbrim]>Hurrr...Durrrr spinning gear(you) better be trollin or you need more boat rides nigga.
People catch yt, tuna, wahoo, dorado ect...
ALL the damn time with spinning gear. Its actually the preferred method for throwing poppers (which happens to be a surface lure) on long range trips. The rods arent super long like a jig stick so you can leverege the fish deep unlike tossing tadys with 10' jig stick, because they suck when a fish starts to circle, you get no leverage so you look like a kook pinned on the rail for a 25lb yt when 40's are getting pulled over around you.
Yoyo, knife & flatfall also excel with spinning gear, it allows the jig to fall unencumbered and drag settings can be set higher so you dont get chewed on the circle.
for half day spinning is good for livebait especially when they on small bait, they also work good for snipers & wax wings when the schools are on small bait but are just out of reach.
on my momma dem spinning gears is good. (picture related)