>>1770635Also, while on the subject, I would appreciate a little bit of help regarding these Kabocha plants...
Can anybody more seasoned tell me what's going on with the little guy on the left (bottom corner)? This past week and last week it seems like he's stopped growing entirely, or at least extremely slowly. You can also see the slightly more 'sickly' color in his leaves compared to his companions nearby who are growing with no issue at all (despite being insect chow). It's definitely not water, he gets the same amount as the rest of them, even gave him just a little extra to be sure. I'm thinking nutrient deficiency, but I'm not certain.
Just prior to taking this picture, I gave him a little bit of my pee, diluted of course to about 1:10 or 12. Hopefully that cures his ailment, but I'm still not certain. I'd really hate to have him die.