Though fly fishing with an actual fly rod is much different. You're always gonna get a plunk from the bobber and you're not going to get many types of good presentation. You can dead drift just fine with it but spinning gear has always been better for bobber fishing, but you're going to be missing out on swinging flies (the bobber will make the flies want to climb in the water column and depth control is easier with a fly set up) and the bobber landing can ruin dry fly presentations. The best way to decide if fly fishing is something you want to look in to is to borrow a friends rod and see what you think. You could also try to get in hyper cheap, a shitty eagle claw combo from amazon will be akin to a walmart rod and reel kit for fly fishing but the reel and line will be the weakest link and fairly easy to replace (about $30 each for an aircel line and an echo base reel) and the rod being fiberglass will be fairly robust.