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Ok, I know this is a shit-flinging thread, but against all better judgement I'll ask: is there a good outdoors sleeping system for people who sleep on their stomachs?
I have deviated septum and snore to the point where I wake up after nearly suffocating if I try sleeping on the back. Sleeping on the side kills my shoulders. Pretty much the only way I can sleep comfortably is on the stomach, hands above the head under pillow.
The only way to somewhat emulate this in a sleeping bag is to turn it upside-down, put the hood over the head and put the arms under a small pillow or bunched up jacket into the hood. The downside of this perversion is that the bag twists around the body as I toss in my sleep and slowly binds me restricting my movements, and it's a fucking pain to contort the arms and body to reach the zipper when I want to get out. I literally never get a good nights sleep in a sleeping bag and feel shitty the next day.
Any stomach sleepers who can recommend anything? Are quilts that strap to the pad any good?
There's Zenbivy Bed thing which is apparently designed specifically for stomach sleepers, but I'm not going to spend that much money only to find out that it's shit.