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Alone in woods, darkness really. I’m normally an adjusted guy, doesn’t afraid of anything, do some extreme sports and not a pussy... but sleeping in woods, even open spaces outdoors really really freaks me out. I fight it, but often I’ll pop some Benadryl or that other popular sleeping hormone precursor, can’t member
I think it’s because I am deeply traumatised from having a dad who enjoyed telling me the most fucked up ghost and monster stories when we were living solo in the remote mountains as a kid. I used to stay up at night watching horror movies in a big open plan house full of huge windows, sofa in front of the tv with huge empty room behind and lots of open doorways and a balcony overhead... *shudder*, my dad would be sleeping down the hill in another building in his compound while I gave myself serious trauma up there, too scared to move and too entranced by the teevee.
I leak tears from my eyes uncontrollably when I think about ghouls, creatures, spooks, rivers of tears even though I’m otherwise composed. Visiting /x/ gives me the waterworks, even though it’s shit tier writing for kids. I sleep with a knife, and often wake up in a fit ready to fight said ghoulish creatures, and sleeping outside only enhances this as I have an overactive imagination and really love folk stories about spooky creatures. Fuck me I was convinced there was a spirit creature that had crawled out of the sea climbing up the rocky crag next to wear I was bivying, watching me, waiting to pull me into the sea as soon as I dropped off
Fucking ptsd or something man, but from the gayest shit, watching too much teevee. This is a warning for any parents, have some control over your child’s viewing. I’m 23 and still fucked up from hollyjew spookies