Quoted By:
>Cholla cactus flings it's needles at you.
>Russian thistle hurt like motherfuckers.
>prickly pear micro-needles are extremely painful because they contain serotonin and silicates that overstimulate and aggravate nerve endings.
>yucca plants are practically balls of spears.
>baby rattlesnakes inject much more venom than adults.
>kangaroo mice will hunt other groups of their own species and eat them.
>ringtails can scale entire canyons by stemming between cracks.
>golden eagles are large enough to carry away a baby muledeer.
>burrowing owls kill the rodent inhabitants of underground burrows, eat them, and then move in.
>velvet ants are known as "cowkillers" because of the potency of their stings.
>harvester ants while not fatal, have a greater toxicity on a molar level than that of a spitting cobra.
>hobospiders and brown recluse spiders cause a bite that can necrotize an area of flesh the size of a gumball and make it fall off.
>brown recluse.
God southwestern plants and animals so fucking metal