>>2116301>Cultural ConceptsYeah fuck that shit. Traditionalism for traditionalisms sake is retarded. St Hubert had an idea that was correct but primitive. The Catholic Church was right about things like not letting your daughter act like a whore, hating fags, and taking some time out of your day to chill the fuck out and be quiet but that doesn’t mean you need to be Catholic to practice that shit.
>Conservation Orgs use this languageAnd niggers speak English that doesn’t make them Anglos. Even good orgs like them have issues because they are basically just special interest groups. There are more turkey in the US today than before European settlement. God forbid you bring up their impact on the quail populations at an NWTF event though.
>Spotlighting should be illegalFor safety reasons I actually agree but that wasn’t really address the point I was making about ethics though.
>There aren’t too many wolvesIn some places. In others you are wrong. But if you attempted a relocation project instead of a cull you would face legal battles and miles of red tape which would be better spent purchasing habitat and allowing them to naturally spread on their own as has been proven to be more effective and cheaper.
>Keystone speciesAnd under that very analogical term they are a problem. A keystone is the stone at the top of an arch whos weight holds the whole thing together. Theres a reason it is the last one installed. If you don’t have the rest in place before that it’s just going to keep collapsing while you try to fight gravity. We are not done restoring multiple species they prey on yet we have brought them back. Now all work in the food chain below them becomes harder to complete and any attempt to remedy the situation is worsened by the autistic wolfaboos and greeny faggots
>Umbrella Species is a cancerous term rightly applied to wolvesSo you agree wolves are cancer then?
>>2116371Because Im funny and make wolfaboos seethe.