>>2165595>>2165808Ha I think I can top that.
Here in Australia, we have the "cane toad". A poisonous toad which was introduced to kill cane beetles in the early 1900s, however cane beetles can fly and toads cannot. So instead they bred extremely rapidly across most of our countries north east. They have had a measured impact on the populations of native predators, as the poison kills them, and they also out compete a large number of native amphibians. Theyre also extremely tough animals, really hard leathery skin, I've seen them survive headshots with air rifles. As a kid in northern Queensland my friends and I would go out and hunt them at night, you'd be unlucky not to fill a bucket. We also used an old mosquito net in our dam after the tadpoles hatched, a couple scoops would yield literally kilograms of tadpoles, you would leave them on the bank and they'd dry into a huge patty.
They're also probably one of the ugliest animals on the planet.