>>2409107hippies in general are boring as fuck to be around.
they're all brain dead acid burnout retards who spent their whole lives 'learning lessons' from dmt elves and mushroom trips because they're brain dead retards who never read a damn bible in their lives to have any basic context of what they're experiencing. spiritual infants. you can tell this lifestyle worked out so well for them because they're all losers and have herpes and they shamble around cities like portland and olympia looking like zombies all day. a lot of them are sex pests and chomos too.
i'm just glad as the global drug supply becomes more and more tainted that the amount of them who overdoes goes up every year. you can't imagine the grin on my face the day i picked up the local paper and read that the entire down town area is getting rid of public bathrooms because some of these places were getting multiple of these people overdosing on fentanyl in the bathroom PER DAY!
haha keep snorting animal dewormer niggers. fuck you hippie rainbow faggots.