>>846068>>846077Something similar happened in my town about 5 years ago. This one pond was always glistening clean water and then one year there was suddenly shitloads of algae and vegetation that creates this siffocating mat on the water surface. It gets so bad that by July you can't see any of the surface at all from shore to shore. They still haven't totally figured it out either.
There's a road that separates this pond from a smaller one with a culvert that passes water from small pond -> big pond (pic is right on top of the culvert), and the small pond (behind the camera) doesn't have any of this shit in it. So the runoff is coming directly into the big pond, and thus not getting upstream into the small pond.
Pic is from google maps but doesn't show the problem nearly as bad as it actually is right now. It looks like you could walk right across it. People don't boat or fish on it anymore because you can't. Nutrients/runoff, or climate change?