>>1752532was it really me who woke the dog up or the maniacs are awake at 3am like me studying for uni?
>the broken doorpic related because I was too anxious by this point to take a picture. beaten around the doorknob and a punch/kick in the bottom middle the door is outright broken to a point it's kept close by a string with a police note reading as follows: anyone interested about the apartment call the local police department, criminal sector. neither my parents nor I communicate with the neighbors much so what the fuck happened? did the police break in to arrest a criminal so no one lives there to fix it, or could have it been a murder so there's no one in in any case? do mind that according to the notice it happened around 10 days ago and I have no bloody idea what happened.
>conclusionso all in all was it my mind and paranoia doing tricks on me at 3am and this is perfectly normal or I live in a spookier commie block than though before. I know that the building itself is filled with "registered psychopaths" and my wonderful neighbors of mine have been making loud ass racket since forever. pls halp frens I can't sleep now