>>2665195>>2665194>>2665190Very useful information! Thank you. Guess i'll have to invest in buying another 3 of those LEDs i have and hook them up for flowering. 5 LEDs like those would average around 1000 PPFD
>Have you ever topped a plant before? See pic. It encourages more lateral growth, which is what you want with doodw33d, also research scrogging. Topping + scrogging with good lights and good feeds will get you over 1g per Watt easily. Local record that I've seen was about 2.4g per Watt with LEDs and an 8-week vegSounds exciting!! How do i proceed? This is my first time growing. I've read about terms like Topping and SCROG but thats about as much as theory goes
Tried encouraging more sideway growth by letting nodes fully grow so removed a small pair of new leaves (Visible in pic) so the light can get to them better, but not sure what results will look like
How do i Top? Is this the right time? Do i just cut the new leaves from above and hope something else will grow in its place?
Also anyone by chance knows what a purple stem means to a cannabis plant? It was there last weekend. I must've overdone something but not sure what and how to fix it