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I'm going to cross-post this since there is a good thread here in /out/ and in /diy/ and people in both places expressed interest.
Here are some minor updates to my gardening. There's nothing much to tell. I've just been weeding now and then, watering, and watching things grow. It's been kind of boring actually. Though, I need to mow the lawn and prepare the next large raised bed with the clippings from last time.
1: One of my gardens.
2: One of my raised beds with strawberries in them.
3: Potted bushel gourds.
4: Yukon Gold potatoes
5: Misc. crops; broccoli, sugar snap peas, carrots, tomatoes.
6: Carrots.
7: The first bell pepper.
8: The first tomatoes.
9: Volunteer Lamb's Quarter. I eat some of these raw 1-2 times a day.
10: Better view of the strawberry bed, prior to watering, after weeding.
11: A fence row full of honey suckle blooms. Some years I make honey suckle bloom mead or wine with these.
12: I had to put gravel in the tops of my plants to keep the raccoons from digging them up to look for insects and larva. I'll need to do the same with my potted bushel gourds.
13: My hardy banana plant. The first stalk died off over the winter just after these two stalks started. I may be able to divide it the next time I repot it, next year. The bricks are to prevent raccoon damage to the roots.
14: My flint corn and popcorn are both finally popping up well!
15: The blackberry rows look much the same.
16: Some rhubarb.
17: Tons of volunteer bushel gourd plants.
18: One of my concord grape vines blooming.